The experiences that appear on this site in the form of articles and videos are included to help in a range of ways.
Some are from people who recently went through the same issues you are facing, to show that what you are going is common and there are people that understand you.
Others are of people recounting being in the same situations you are in a number of years ago, how they coped, were able to leave and move on to happy lives. These provide hope that your future can be bright in the long term.
Some experiences are more tragic, recalling difficulties and tragedies that occur based on leaving without the right support. These provide valuable lessons as to why it is critical to take time and be strategic in determining how to approach loved ones and plan for leaving on your own terms.
Dealing with Domestic Violence
No one deserves to experience domestic violence. If you are being physically or emotionally abused by your partner, they are in the wrong, not you. Watchtower’s suggestion a wife that remains with a violent husband brings glory to Jehovah is the opposite of true, and if you feel any danger it is important to seek professional assistance.
Drug Addiction
Use of illegal drugs is common. For instance, in 2016, 3.1 million Australians reported using an illegal drug during that year alone, and over 40% of Australian’s have used drugs at some time in their life.(1) Whilst some people use drugs occasionally without it...
Coping with Fear of Armageddon
From childhood, Jehovah’s Witnesses are subjected to graphic imagery of humans dying at Armageddon. This terrifying image of death is presented as about to occur at any moment. Image courtesy of Watchtower publication Enjoy life on Earth Forever p.28 These images...
LGBTQ+ Support
It is critical you look after your mental well being. The following information is confronting and may cause distress. If you are depressed or suicidal, seek help immediately. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you may not yet have any trusted friends you can be open with...
I Have Been Kicked Out of Home
Please know, you are not alone, help is available. We are aware of instances where a Jehovah’s Witness child has been kicked out of home, or left home, due to religious differences. It may be the result of admitting to no longer believing Watchtower teachings,...
I Feel Lost
Once you have a suspicion something isn’t right, there will be questions you want answers to. This need to question what you have been told all your life, and wondering how much is untrue, can be unsettling and trigger an overwhelming feeling of being lost. Whilst it...
I Think I Am Going Crazy
The state between being an active Jehovah’s Witness, and no longer believing is terrifying. There is an overwhelming fear you are losing your mind, going crazy. You may have seen a range of information that seems to prove the Watchtower is not the truth, yet no one...
I Feel Suicidal
Thoughts of suicide are a common response to feeling overwhelmed and not in control of your life. You are not alone in having these feelings; many Jehovah's Witnesses struggle with thoughts of suicide. Whilst you may not see any hope the pain will pass, things will...
Live Support
If you are researching Jehovah’s Witnesses it is only natural to have questions. There is a large community of current and former Jehovah’s Witnesses at reddit.com/r/exjw to discuss these with. You will receive a wide range of responses, and part of your growth will be to develop critical thinking skills in order to choose the opinions that are best for you and your unique circumstances.
Recovering From Religion offers peer support and professional support to people doubting their beliefs. Volunteers of this not-for-profit organization come from a range of religious backgrounds, and provide support to people regardless of which religion they belong to.
Questioning whether Jehovah’s Witnesses are the one true religion can lead to anxiety and depression and even thoughts of suicide. If you are experiencing such emotions, please seek help immediately. There are many free resources you can call for confidential assistance.
- Australia: 13 11 14
- Canada: 1833.456.4566
- UK: 116 123
- USA: 1800-273-8255
International Crisis Lines and suicidestop.com contain lists of free support lines for almost 100 countries.