I Feel Suicidal
2 Min Read Time

Thoughts of suicide are a common response to feeling overwhelmed and not in control of your life. You are not alone in having these feelings; many Jehovah’s Witnesses struggle with thoughts of suicide. Whilst you may not see any hope the pain will pass, things will get better. Those of us working on this site are living proof. 

If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, please seek help immediately. There are many free government resources that you can call confidentially for assistance. 

Australia 13 11 14

Canada: 1833.456.4566

UK: 116 123

USA: 1800-273-8255

Wikipedia contains a comprehensive list of free suicide support lines for almost 100 countries at International Crisis Lines that is kept up to date. An alternative list of international suicide support lines can be found at suicidestop.com.

Once you have made contact with your local suicide prevention number, please know, you are not alone. We are here to support you. You can write to us at any time. You are not bad, crazy or weak for feeling suicidal. We are here to listen to your story and help you find what you need to cope. There is also a whole community of current and ex Jehovah’s Witnesses at https://reddit.com/r/exjw/. They can help you with what you are going through.

Further reading

The following links provide wonderful information to help you understand why we get down and ways to improve your well-being.



Are you Feeling Suicidal?

Australian Suicide Call Back Service