Salvation and Armageddon

Salvation and Armageddon 5 Min Read Time Watchtower teaches that Jehovah’s Witnesses alone will survive Armageddon, because only they worship Jehovah, with such comments appearing regularly in published literature. “Only Jehovah’s Witnesses,...

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Higher Education

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Higher Education Min Read Time  Jehovah’s Witnesses are advised against pursuing a higher education, with Watchtower providing regular warnings that attending university is an improper use of time in these last days. This topic deserves...

Is a Religious Organization neccesary?

Is a Religious Organization neccesary? Min Read Time The word “organization” never appears in the Bible, yet over 20,000 times in Watchtower publications, where the claim is made that Jehovah has always used an organization to direct his followers. This is...

Is Disfellowshipping Scriptural?

Is Disfellowshipping Scriptural? Min Read Time Jehovah’s Witnesses disfellowship “unrepentant wrongdoers,” for diverse reasons ranging from apostasy to smoking. Disfellowshipped members are to be shunned by all family and friends, often for life, causing...


Shunning Min Read Time Jehovah’s Witnesses practice strict shunning of anyone disfellowshipped or disassociated. Shunning is applied to both friends and family, often for the remainder of life, leading to tremendous emotional suffering. Jehovah’s Witnesses only...