Ben’s Experience as an introvert leaving at 17

Ben’s Experience as an introvert leaving at 17 Min Read Time 18 minute video interview with Ben. Ben left at 17, initially waking up upon finding the Watchtower resorts to an abundance of misquotes and incorrect information when it discusses evolution. He...

Women’s Place as Jehovah’s Witnesses

Women’s Place as Jehovah’s Witnesses Min Read Time Jehovah’s Witnesses are a patriarchal society where women are to view men as their head. Only males are permitted to hold positions of responsibility and teaching in the congregation. Watchtower portrays sisters...

I Have Been Kicked Out of Home

I Have Been Kicked Out of Home Min Read Time Please know, you are not alone, help is available.  We are aware of instances where a Jehovah’s Witness child has been kicked out of home, or left home, due to religious differences. It may be the result of admitting to no...

Cross or Stake

Cross or Stake Min Read Time Did Jesus Die on a Cross or Stake? Watchtower claims Jesus died on a stake. This is incorrect, as all the evidence points to Jesus’ death being on a cross. For over 50 years, a cross appeared on The Watch Tower cover. Watchtower...