I Feel Lost

I Feel Lost Min Read Time Once you have a suspicion something isn’t right, there will be questions you want answers to. This need to question what you have been told all your life, and wondering how much is untrue, can be unsettling and trigger an overwhelming feeling...

Jehovah is Not in the New Testament

Jehovah is Not in the New Testament Min Read Time The word Jehovah never appears in the New Testament. This will come as a surprise to most Jehovah’s Witnesses, as Watchtower’s New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures includes the word Jehovah 237 times. The...


Beliefs 2 Min Read Time Jehovah’s Witnesses pride themselves on their Bible knowledge and having the truth. This section explains how the Watchtower is wrong on each of these topics.If you have been raised in the religion, you may be convinced the beliefs are...

Video Experiences

Video Experiences 2 Min Read Time Thousands of Jehovah’s Witness youths leave every year. This is a difficult process, particularly for those that were baptised. The following video experiences highlight the reasons they left, treatment received and challenges...