Art from former Jehovah’s Witnesses
5 Min Read Time

The traumatic experience of leaving the Watchtower Organization has resulted in powerful art. Here are examples of poetry, visual arts and music from talented individuals that may resonate with your personal journey.


Epitome of Love – Daniella Rochford

Mother – Daniella Rochford

Visual Arts

The Weight of Guilt, Hellevan , Mixed Media, 2020


How I Felt As A Jehovah’s Witness – spacevcowboy – Aug 2020

A child’s view of Watchtower images – @sara_riches 2023


Eric Momou has music on soundcloud and says, “I have been making New Age electronic music to keep me sane, and help me cope with estrangement.”


ExJW Fifth has a youtube channel containing numerous interesting interviews, and a beautiful rap song titled Cost of Doing Business.